Real Life First Name: Matt
Age: 18
Main Character Name: Juri
Country of Residence: United States
City of Residence: Cincinnati
Timezone(GMT): -5 EST
Languages you speak fluently: English.
What is your gaming schedule for Symphonia FlyFF Game(display in hours): Monday-Friday 11AM-12PM
and weekends 11AM-2AM.
Tell us a little about your personality: I'm a nice and chill person,I don't get mad at anything and i love
talking to anyone that just wants to talk and have fun,I love helping anyone who needs help with anything
and anyone can come to me about anything i'm always here to help.
How long have you been with Symphonia FlyFF? : I've been with Symphonia FlyFF since the server
opened and its been a blast ever since.
What are your goals as a Gamemaster? : My goals as a Gamemaster is to help new and old players out
with whatever problems they have and do my best to help them and getting more players to join and
just have fun with the game and enjoy it.
Why should we choose you upon the plethora of members applying?: You should chose me because
i really want to make a difference to help the server and the players and i have the motivation and
responsibility to do it,I'll always do my best as a Gamemaster.
Have you been a GM or had any staff experiences before?: I don't have much GM or staff experience,I have never been a GM before.
Have you ever been kicked, muted or banned from our server?: No!
Have you ever received any infraction/warning on the forums?: No!
If accepted, what will you bring to the GM team?: If accepted, i will bring all new ideas for the server
and anything that i can think of to help the server and the players enjoy what they are playing!