I wasn't complaining about seraph skills, but comparing them to BP, which is extremely overpowered. Which do you think one would choose? if they were to pick between one of them? of course the BP.
As for being maxed, class balancing? lol... making other classes above the RM and taking away the usefulness of the RM is called class balancing? I am just tryin to say to make RM buffs better than Pang buffs or pang buffs weaker, if that does not count as class balancing then wat does?
As for RM having a fair advantage everywhere, I think not. If they really do have a fair advantage, try being a FS rm with little sta awakes and see if you can last 2 hits by a mob around your lvl in darkon/darkon 3.
Running around asking for RM is a pain, that i do agree. But is it really that hard? if more people play RM, which little does right now, i think it's not. Being thankful for a buff pang that takes away the skills of another class, yes that makes total sense... lol.
And yeah rm's protect gives lucky drop, but doesn't tat depends on who your with? The one tat's killin gets all the drops, if their happy, they share it, but if their not, they dont. If you try to loot a few, you get 1hit. That's worth it huh..?
A suggestion of advice of just one person is just his own opinion. I put this topic up so the whole community would supply ideas and come up with a solution that we would all agree on.
Ik getting 200 isn't that hard, but have you tried to without having a good enough defence and hp to survive the darkon mobs? getting exp is easy but killing the monster if hard, if all you do is use merk and tanking the mobs, or if your a mercrack, your tanking it too, but on the condition of switching between your weapon all the time. Although getting a partner may be easy, but doesn't your partner lvl faster then you? as most partners likes to put party exp share on Contribution. Yeah, your partner lvls up then as he/she is out of the lvl gap range of plvl, you'll have to find another, repeating the process over and over again gaining 1-4% exp a kill.
I have played eflyff and what you said just contradicted yourself didn't it?
S for Statement and C for contradiction
S: the reason buff pang buffs are maxed is class balancing
C: RMs will have a fair advantage everywhere
S: without it BPs ( which as always are OP
C: the reason buff pang buffs are maxed is class balancing
S: RMs will have a fair advantage everywhere, have you ever played eFlyFF?
C: so be thankful for a buff pang. and the RM buffs, protect gives lucky box, and if you have ever done a dungeon run you know its worth it. holyguard gives +20 stats, which is decent, not something necessary, but useful. GT does the same as eFlyFF, i guess it could be buffed up a bit
Of course being RM dependent isn't what you want. But asking for RM for the extra drops, isn't that RM dependent? RM would barely survive if his/her partner didn't protect the RM properly, Or a Agro spawned near the RM while the partner is fighting 2-4 mobs at once.