Real Life First Name:Brittany
Age: 23
Main Character Name:Siyaka
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Muncie, Indiana
Timezone(GMT): Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC - 05:00 hour
Daylight Saving Time: DST in use +1 hour
Current Time Zone offset: GMT/UTC - 4:00
Languages you speak fluently: English & some Japanese
What is your gaming schedule for Symphonia FlyFF Game(display in hours): 5-7hrs daily if not more or when needed.
Tell us a little about your personality:I am a very out going person. I love to help others reach their goals. Most of the time I put others before myself, and I pride myself on that aspect because if I can help someone else be happy it makes me happy too. I can be a very laid back kind of person, but i know when to be serious.
How long have you been with Symphonia FlyFF? :I have only been with Symphonia for about a month now, but have played regular Flyff since v4 beta.
What are your goals as a Gamemaster? :As a GM I would like to devote my time and knowledge to our expanding player base in hopes that it will make their time with us here on Symphonia a much more enjoyable experience. I would also like the chance to be more involved in the community to make sure that everyone is well aware of any future changes or events that may occur.
Why should we choose you upon the plethora of members applying?:I believe that you should choose me only if you believe I would make a good addition to your team and the knowledge your team has to offer.
Have you been a GM or had any staff experiences before?:Yes, I used to be a GM on a small private server of Cabal Online.
Have you ever been kicked, muted or banned from our server?:Nope
Have you ever received any infraction/warning on the forums?:Never
If accepted, what will you bring to the GM team?:More support for the player base, and someone for the other members of the Symphonia staff to rely on when they feel overwhelmed.
Thank You to all who take the time to read this application.
Much <3 Siyaka