Real Life First Name: Aaron
Age: 16
Main Character Name: Froggeh
Country of Residence: England
City of Residence: Warwickshire
Timezone(GMT): +0
Languages you speak fluently: English
What is your gaming schedule for Symphonia FlyFF Game(display in hours): around 10- 13 hours
Tell us a little about your personality: My personality is Lively also like to have fun but also can be serious and logical when trying to find solutions to problems, instrested in learning new intrested new aspects gaming, find it easy to talk to people all ages, people find me very approachable.
How long have you been with Symphonia FlyFF? : 1-2months.
What are your goals as a Gamemaster? : My goals as a Gamemaster are to learn new stuff about the game and also help people out with problems they might experiance or have.
Why should we choose you upon the plethora of members applying?: Because i will give my experience and knowledge of Game to others and because i work well in groups of people. I have the patience with inexperienced gamers.
Have you been a GM or had any staff experiences before?: I have been a GameSage before in another server but that didn't carry much responsability.
Have you ever been kicked, muted or banned from our server?: No.
Have you ever received any infraction/warning on the forums?: No.
If accepted, what will you bring to the GM team?: I will bring new idea's to the game and new events.