Real Life First Name: The only name anyone needs to know is before you.
Age: Not Important
Main Character Name: I have none
Country of Residence: Not Important
City of Residence: Not Important
Timezone(GMT): Not Important
Languages you speak fluently: English. I live beside my spelling and grammar.
What is your gaming schedule for Symphonia FlyFF Game(display in hours): I have never played on your server before. If I were to be accepted for the position, I would be on whenever my is assistance needed, as long as it doesn't raise conflict with my schedule.
Tell us a little about your personality: I have a feeling the rest of my application will outline my personality quite well.
How long have you been with Symphonia FlyFF? : I have never played on your server before.
What are your goals as a Gamemaster? : As a Game Master, being 'friendly' is not on the top of my priority list when it comes to interacting with players, as being 'nice' isn't a large part of a GM's job. When I picture a Game Master, I see someone who is 'nice' (but only in times where acting as such fits the occasion), respectful to everyone (especially those of higher authority), and someone who acts with an iron fist. An ideal Game Master will know his or her place, while being a knowledgeable resource for lending advice and information to troubled players and staff. My goals as a Game Master is to fill each and every one of these traits.
Why should we choose you upon the plethora of members applying?: Most other GM applicants apply for the power and bragging rights, if you will. Of those, most of the applicants claim that they are 'Kind and Helpful', whilst I prefer being Respectful and Knowledgeable. In my past, I have had my share of power and commands while being a staff on other private servers. At this point, the only thing that I wish to fulfill is my assistance to anyone who needs it.
Have you been a GM or had any staff experiences before?: I have. Once on another server, and two more times on servers that I have owned myself.
Have you ever been kicked, muted or banned from our server?: I have never played on your server.
Have you ever received any infraction/warning on the forums?: I have never been on your forums.
If accepted, what will you bring to the GM team?: I think my point here is clear. Along with me, I will bring my services and my obedience. I also have a lot of experience with Beast, the FlyFF Map Editor, and have thus far made several maps. If needed, I will also map for the group (feel free to ask for samples of work). I also know many of the server files like the back of my hand. Though I'm afraid I don't know enough to apply for a Game Developer, I have an uncanny skill when it comes to adding custom items, maps, weapons, mild C++, and other valuable skills that will benefit the group.