Real Life First Name: Ethan
Age: 24
Main Character Name: Fang
Country of Residence: United States of America
City of Residence: Sulphur
Timezone(GMT): Central US and Canada (Mexico City)
Languages you speak fluently: English only
What is your gaming schedule for Symphonia FlyFF Game(display in hours):
10-13 hours a day if I am not working.
Tell us a little about your personality:
I am a nice guy, I enjoy doing things for people that need help like, elderly people, children, handicap people, etc.
How long have you been with Symphonia FlyFF? :
I have been with Symphonia FlyFF for around 3 days now.
What are your goals as a Gamemaster? :
My goal is to provide a better gaming experience for the players.
Why should we choose you upon the plethora of members applying?:
I believe you should choose me to be a GameMaster because, I am a hardworker, I love to help out with anything I can, and I can get pretty much any job you need me for done.
Have you been a GM or had any staff experiences before?:
Not on any FlyFF private servers. I have been a Game Master on several other games though and I know pretty much all of the rules. (I didn't want to mention the games due to advertisement)
Have you ever been kicked, muted or banned from our server?: No I have never been muted or banned for anything on this server or any other server.
Have you ever received any infraction/warning on the forums?: No, I have never gotten into trouble on this forum or any other forum that I have ever been on.
If accepted, what will you bring to the GM team?: I don't have anything to bring that you guys don't already have.
Thanks for reading,
Ethan -Fang- Timberland