Real Life First Name: Jeffrey
Age: 15
Main Character Name:Yannah
Country of Residence: United States
City of Residence: Long Beach
Timezone(GMT): -8:00 PST
Languages you speak fluently: English
What is your gaming schedule for Symphonia FlyFF Game(display in hours):
Mondays-Fridays: I get home at 5:00pm PST and on about 10:00pm so about 5 hours.
Saturdays I'm pretty much on all day 8am-10pm. Sundays I get home around 5:00pm PST because I'm out with friends.
Tell us a little about your personality:
I'm an easy going person It would take alot to see me get mad. I love to see others happy all the time and don't really like it much when there not. Im caring would love to help anyone the best I can , trustworthy you can always put trust in me, and funny I'm pretty much random if you talk to me saying random things and basically trying to get you to laugh. I'm good with people and have the ability to motivate others when there feeling down or negative.
How long have you been with Symphonia FlyFF? :
I've been with Symphonia Flyff ever since it first came out. Struggling for penya when I first came on! then having a decent character.
What are your goals as a Gamemaster? :
My goals are to help new players that will join this server any questions or problems they'll have I will answer the best I can. Make sure players feel comfortable playing on this server. Meet a different players online and get to know them more. Handle players that may rage over the game and calm them down.
Why should we choose you upon the plethora of members applying?:
I should be chosen then other players applying because I believe I got the ability and determination to take on these responsibilities as a Game master. I know I can be the best game master I possibly can.
Have you been a GM or had any staff experiences before?:
I don't have much GM or staff experienced I have never been a GM before.
Have you ever been kicked, muted or banned from our server?: Nope!
Have you ever received any infraction/warning on the forums?:Nope!
If accepted, what will you bring to the GM team?:
If accepted, I will bring new ideas for the server and much more!